A discussion on various queueing patterns used by enterprise applications, like file queues, message queues & Kafka.
Author: Sidd
C++ Systems are Legacy Systems! This is tech racism!
C++ Systems are not Legacy Systems. They use new hardware, compilers, they evolve, connects with other systems and they can give a run for your money.
Singleton Design Pattern in C++, not so simple!
Almost every C++ interview I go to, the candidate will claim that they know Singleton Pattern. I started calling it the interview pattern 😀. However most of the time people overlook its hidden complexities. That’s what we will discuss here.
C++: Design Pattern using templates, Policy-Based Class
Strategy pattern depends on inheritance and will rely on virtual functions. Accessing them comes with additional cost. Policy-Based Class Design pattern make use of templates to achieve what Strategy pattern does.
Modern C++: Your ptr, My ptr, Our ptr
Memory management is the most important part of C++. Since the inception of unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr and deprication of auto_ptr it became important that we understand how to use them.
Modern C++: Function Templates
C++ requires us to declare variables, functions, and most other kinds of entities using specific types. However, a lot of … More
Power of Modulus Split
Modulus Split, is a horizontal scaling technique to distribute data over multiple topics, such that each topic can be independently processed.
Rise Of Talkbots: Alexa Skills
A short introduction to Alexa Skills. Discussed how the technology works to spark awarness and interest.
Unit Testing in Scala
I compared JUnit & ScalaTest and found ScalaTest to be a better option for writing unit test cases for Scala … More
How to Improve Organic Search Rank: Live Story 2020-2021
An SEO journey: Aiming to bring at least one of my posts in Google’s top 10 organic search results.
Setting up Git repository with best practices & Installing git
Best guidelines to set up a Git repository with best practices. Also includes steps to install Git on Linux (RHEL) from a tarball.